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Freedom To Vote Act Summary

The Freedom to Vote Act: Protecting Voting Rights in America

Expanding Access and Combating Suppression

The Freedom to Vote Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation that aims to standardize voting laws across the United States and significantly expand voting access. This comes after a wave of restrictive voting bills were introduced and passed in several states in 2021, raising concerns about voter suppression.

Protecting Elections from Manipulation

The Freedom to Vote Act seeks to protect our elections from various forms of manipulation. These include voter suppression, partisan sabotage, and gerrymandering, which can all undermine the integrity and fairness of the electoral process.

Key Provisions

The bill addresses key areas to ensure voting access and election integrity:

  • Voter Registration and Access: Expanding early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, and vote-by-mail options.
  • Election Integrity and Security: Strengthening cybersecurity, paper ballot backups, and independent audits to ensure secure and reliable elections.
  • Redistricting: Creating independent redistricting commissions to prevent gerrymandering and ensure fair representation.
  • Campaign Finance: Disclosing dark money contributions to increase transparency and prevent undue influence in elections.

The Freedom to Vote Act represents a historic effort to protect the fundamental right to vote for all Americans. By standardizing voting laws, expanding access, and combating suppression, this legislation aims to ensure that our elections are fair, accessible, and free from manipulation.
