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Andy Robertson Elbow Referee

Liverpool defender accuses assistant referee of elbowing him

Robertson claims Hatzidakis struck him during Arsenal draw

Liverpool defender Andy Robertson has accused assistant referee Constantine Hatzidakis of elbowing him during the club's 2-2 draw with Arsenal on Sunday.

The incident occurred late in the first half at Anfield, as Robertson was attempting to retrieve the ball from the byline. Hatzidakis was standing close to Robertson and appeared to raise his elbow, striking the defender in the face.

Robertson reacted angrily to the incident and remonstrated with Hatzidakis. The referee, Michael Oliver, intervened and spoke to both players, but did not take any further action.

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp was asked about the incident after the game and said that he had not seen it.

"I didn't see it," said Klopp. "I heard about it, but I didn't see it. So I cannot say anything about it."

The Football Association is investigating the incident and has requested video footage from Liverpool.
